Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Muffins

Abby Woytus

Abby Woytus 

After successfully baking chocolate chip cookies a few weeks ago, I decided to attempt another baking recipe. It’s no secret that I have a terrible sweet tooth, so when it comes to baking I found it easier than cooking. That being said, the other day I decided to make oatmeal chocolate chip muffins and they turned out to be delicious!

As I’ve said before, breakfast is my favorite meal so I enjoyed baking these delicious muffins. After taking out the main ingredients such as old fashioned oats, chocolate chips, eggs, milk, and vegetable oil, I began the baking process. 

First I combined oats and milk in a medium sized bowl and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Being the impatient person I am, my mom explained how this allowed the oats time to soak up extra mixture. During this time however, she instructed me to grease up a muffin pan and put in my favorite muffin liners. 

Eventually, I was able to add in a variety of ingredients into the oat and milk mixture while creating a combination of baking powder, salt, and flour into a seperate bowl. After letting each mixture sit for a few minutes each, I combined them and poured them into the muffin liners.

My fear of the oven is something I’ve had to face, but I am determined to get over it. I finished filling the liners and simply popped them into the oven. Much easier than I thought! The hardest part was getting them out of the oven, but somehow I succeeded without burning myself or the muffins! 

The morning after I baked them I decided to enjoy a couple muffins for breakfast. Surprisingly, they were delicious even though I was scared they might have turned out dry. In the future, I am excited to try a different variety of muffins such as blueberry or banana nut, but for now chocolate chips are enough. 

While I could have easily eaten the majority of the muffins in one sitting I instead froze them to enjoy for a longer period of time. I highly recommend doing this with various baked goods because you can heat them up in the microwave weeks later and they are equally delicious. 

In the past I’ve always grabbed a package of little bites or other pre-packaged muffins on the way to school. Sure, it might have been easier than making my own, but homemade muffins are so much more rewarding. Baking takes patience, which I have definitely learned but trusting the process pays off. 

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